a record of members paying their dues in ancient Athens ...
This page contains information on HOW TO JOIN the Society - as well as on how to join A.I.E.G.L. via BES. Membership of AIEGL brings with it discounts on some publications and on registration to the quinquennial International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy: further information can be obtained from AIEGL.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES, payable on October 1st each year:
BES Membership: £15 per year (no reduced rate)
BES and AIEGL Membership: £35 per year
BES and AIEGL Student/Non-Permanent Contract Membership: £30 per year
Please email the Society’s Treasurer, alex.mullen@nottingham.ac.uk, and Secretary, i.bultrighini@ucl.ac.uk, to inform them of your intention to join BES or BES+AIEGL. They will send the bank details required for you to set up a Standing Order for the annual membership subscription and add you to the Society’s mailing list. If the AIEGL option is chosen, the AIEGL sub is paid on your behalf once a year.
If you do not hold a British bank account, you could try a no-fee transfer service. Please ensure that you calculate the transfer carefully so that we receive the correct amount in Sterling. If you have any problems, please contact the Treasurer to explore other ways of paying your subscription.
By becoming a member of the British Epigraphy Society, you accept, and consent to, the way we handle the personal data that you supply: you can find information on our data protection practices and policy on the Society’s website:
We are a charity and our funds go directly to support epigraphic activities, particularly those of students and early career colleagues.
Members are cordially invited to make donations to allow us to support more epigraphists!
Promoting research and workshops in epigraphy.
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